Design Inspiration: Modern Farmhouse Hallway Decor
I’m mixing different design styles to make a budget-friendly modern farmhouse hallway decor! Follow along with me and let’s get seriously inspired!
You guys know I’m loving all things “farmhouse style” and I decided to add some farmhouse hallway decor to spruce up an otherwise plain section in our house.
But, I was talking to a close bloggy friend the other day about how hard it is to adhere to one specific interior design style. I feel like since most people come to my blog for farmhouse-style inspiration I have to stick to that particular style.
Any variance from farmhouse/rustic etc wouldn’t fit with my “niche” and I’d be shunned and sent away to a blogging exile island where no one ever reads your blog.

But then I was thinking what if other people feel that way, too? What if people like different styles but feel like they have to stick to one style?
I know that generally speaking I like neutral colors, chippy paint, and wood accents characteristic of “farmhouse style”.
But, I also love bold rugs with fringe and gold/brass accents characteristic of “boho style”. And sometimes I even like the clean lines of a more “modern style”. I know, the HORROR!!
Soooo, I decided to break out of the chains of one particular style and go with what I think looks the best. This design definitely has some farmhouse hallway decor style to it. I haven’t totally gone off the deep end. But, I brought in some other design ideas and I’m LOVING the look.
I hope you guys like it!!
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Hallway: before pictures
First, let’s take a look at the hallway as it looks right now.

It’s a pretty large hallway widthwise AND has the great added bonus of a beautiful exposed brick fireplace. It’s a bit awkward when it narrows over toward the boy’s bedroom but I think I have just the solution!
I have to add that it is NEVER this clean. I don’t want to be one of those bloggers presenting their life in perfect clean order. It is faaaaar from that. I had just finished deep cleaning our house when I took these pictures.
As I’m writing this post it has several dirty diapers tossed about on the floor and the rug from the boys’ bedroom since Charlie likes to take off his diaper and pee on the rug. I was trying to salvage it!
Adding a mirror to the chimney
The first thing I wanted to do was add a giant mirror to the chimney. I found the absolute perfect mirror at Target that I can’t wait to hang.
The brass finish on the outside combined with the {gasp} modern circle shape is the perfect contrast to naturally rustic brick.

I knew I wanted to add some more brass accents in to compliment the brass mirror. It couldn’t be the lone brass item in the hallway!
Creating a gallery wall in the hallway
So, I decided to make a gallery wall on the wall at the top of the stairs!
I find gallery walls in general to be annoying. You see picture-perfect gallery walls on Pinterest but you have to spend SO much to get all the pieces. I wanted something simple, clean, and easy.
I searched high and low for affordable but not cheap-looking brass frames and I found these beauties at Target for just under $15 a piece! A quick trip to the store to see them in person and I was absolutely amazed at the quality for the price. I mean these are 11×14 frames! Pretty good deal.

I used some computer paper taped together to the size of the frames (11×14) to see how many frames I could fit on the wall. I’m loving this arrangement and can’t wait to get the frames up there!

Farmhouse hallway decor
Now, I didn’t forget about adding some farmhouse hallway decor in!
Like any good blogger, I have to have a fiddle leaf tree in my house. Now, I’m sort of turning into a plant lady but I don’t trust myself with an expensive and often fickle tree just yet.
Plus, the lighting is variable in the hallway depending on what doors we have open. If all the doors are closed it’s completely void of light. That’s not going to work with a fiddle leaf!
I found this fiddle leaf at Target for just $52. This may seem like a lot but they can go upwards of $300 for a really nice faux one! I’m sticking this guy in a cute basket I have from IKEA and calling it a day!

Wall decor for the farmhouse hallway
I was really torn on what type of art. A nice abstract painting or another large art piece would look nice but I didn’t feel it was quite my style.
I have to admit I love the trend with the ox or cow photos especially in black and white but I just don’t think I’m that trendy 😉
After spending a ridiculous amount of time trying to figure these two walls out, I decided to use the smaller wall for a little macrame wall hanging like this one:

For the larger of the two walls, I couldn’t decide between a farmhouse-style chalkboard:

Other types of hanging frames like these ones:

Or a large piece of typography art kind of like this:

In the end, I decided to DIYing some farmhouse-style typography in the form of an oversized sign! Â I found the perfect quote and I can’t wait to share how we make the sign!
Rug for the hallway
The final piece of the farmhouse hallway decor was the rug.
And boy, I can’t tell you how many rugs I’ve looked at. It’s almost an addiction. When I’m up nursing Evie in the middle of the night, you better bet I’m looking at rugs on my phone. Send help!
I’ve narrowed it down to these few rugs. Help a girl out! Which one would you choose?!
Rug option #1
Rug option #2
Rug option #3
Rug option #4
That’s the full design plan! I’m hoping to finalize everything soon (hint the rug!), start working on the typography art, and get some pictures framed for the modern gallery wall.
I can’t wait to share the full modern farmhouse hallway reveal!!
Wishing you a joyful day!

I have number 4 in my kitchen and love it!
I think #4 if my favorite!!
Oh I can’t wait to see the finished product! I’m liking rug #2 – so feminine and pretty 🙂 Although they’re all great choices!
I love #2 but I’m worried it may be TOO girly.
I’m with Kelly, I love number 2.
#2 seems to be the most popular one!
I love that you are going with what you love, not just one style. The rug choice? All so pretty. I have to admit that #2 stood out to me, but with the exposed brick… #4 would be a great contrast. They are all beautiful, though. Good Luck!
Thanks so much Jen!! I was unsure of how everyone would react to not just the traditional “farmhouse style”. I think #4 is my favorite for the space as well!
I feel the same with my style…I’m calling it “boho farmhouse” and not worrying about those boxes we feel like we need to fit within 🙂
I can’t wait to see this hallway!
Ohh I like boho farmhouse. I think I’m modern farmhouse but I’m not totally sure. I also like mid century modern sometimes! I’m glad you don’t define your style by just one thing, either!