One Room Challenge Week 2 : : Goodbye Wood Wall
Welcome back for week two of the One Room Challenge hosted by Linda from Calling it Home.
I posted last week about our plans for a Modern Office renovation. Thank you for all the kind comments and messages! It really provides such an extra boost having everyone following along.
Catch up on the office renovation here:
week 1 | you’re here | week 3 | week 4 | the big reveal
Before picture of the office
If you missed it, here’s the before shot of the current “office”:

Office mood board
And, take a peak at the mood board I created:

Week 2 updates: removing wood accent wall
We’ve been busy this past week! I shared on Instagram all about taking the wood wall DOWN! It feels SO good not having it there.
The room looks completely different and just feels fresh to me. It’s hard to explain but as soon as it was down I knew we made the right decision.
I very, very much enjoyed taking the wood down.

And here’s what it looks like now:

HEY! They even marked the studs for us 🙂
I was nervous about taking it down because who knows what’s behind these walls.
With our luck, there would be a mice nest (if mice make nest) (also don’t get me started on my battle with mice at our old house), termites, water damage, knob and tube wiring, and the portal to Narnia. Who knows. We have BAD renovation luck.
Thankfully, the boards were not glued onto the wall, just nailed with 203984867303298 nails.
TJ had an excuse to buy a new tool (a crowbar, how did he not have that??) and I did some manual labor, my favorite (seriously, not sarcastic, I like this kinda stuff).
We were also able to salvage the crown molding – which is great!
I posted the wood on our neighborhood’s Facebook group and had three people who wanted it within 5 minutes. CYA LATER WOOD WALL!
Other things we accomplished this week…
We finalized the design for the built-ins and went SHOPPING! Like any good blogger, we went to IKEA so we can semi-DIY stuff cheaper than custom!
We got two SEKTION pantry cabinets and a BILLY bookcase that will be made to look like custom built-ins. I also ordered different doors and side panels for the pantry cabinets that we will paint a sage-y green (color TBD).
With the wood down, we were able to mark off where the built-ins will be (X sections with sharpie dotted line in the pictures below). So, I started sanding down the drywall and plan to patch the holes and sand it smooth this week so we can get ready for … WALLPAPERRRRR.

I’m having a hard time deciding on which wallpaper to choose. I even shared yesterday all about which stores I was looking at online.
I have it narrowed down to the following 4 choices.
Maybe. I think. You never know with me ….

I was leaning toward #1 but there was overwhelming support for #4 on Instagram and Facebook. Sigh. Not quite sure yet!
Let’s see how we’re doing as far as progress goes!
Remove wood plank walland fix whatever it underneath it- Again, I’m sorry. It’s pretty just not my style.
- Remove certain sections of molding
- Paint
Designand build built in cabinets- Design and build open shelving
- Design and build floating desk
- Select art
- Find vintage rug
- Hunt for the perfect comfy chair, modern side table, and fun lamp for reading area
- Source new curtains
- Find desk chair
- DIY Room Separator
- Accessorize!!
I’m hoping this week we get all the IKEA stuff built, paint the room and what we can of the built-ins, and start building out the custom look around the shelves. Oh and choose wallpaper, choose final colors, shop a little for the things we need, keep children alive, etc.
Basically, lots and lots to do!
Remember to hop over to the One Room Challenge link up to follow everyone’s progress!
Cya next week!
It really is like we are on opposite teams, we literally just marked all the studs this week for the wood wall next week…LOL it is almost comical, but I will admit that wood wall was way more rustic than even I would go, so I totally get it. As for the wallpaper choices they are all pretty I tend to go the the crowd on #4 it really is gorgeous.
Nice work! I love #2 btw
It must be so difficult to choose between the wallpaper designs. I say go with your gut. I like design #1 too. Good luck with this upcoming week’s progress!
All of those wallpaper options are gorgeous!! Can’t wait to see what you choose!
I like #1 and #4 best as well…excited to see your IKEA DIYs!
I love the wallpaper choices. It’s so hard to just choose 1!
It’s going to be so hard to choose!! Can’t wait to see the final reveal.
#4 is still my favorite ! 🙂 I’m so curious to see what you end up choosing. Any of them would be great!! Can’t wait to see how it all turns out. Hang in there.
Keeping children alive seems to be the hardest part of these. ? You’re going to be so happy having that heavy, orange wall down. It’s looking great!!
Go with # 1! People on Instagram don’t have to live in your house…YOU do! haha! Besides, # 1 is my favorite. 😉
WOW! you go removing that wall, which I thought was super nice. But, I get it, and the transformation is going to be so good.